Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Why I Hike

I enjoy hiking.
That statement may seem a bit commonplaced, so I will define it further.

When I follow a path, I find myself only seeing that path...spotting the markers...letting the path lead me.

When I hike off-trail I see the trees, the under brush, the wildlife. I'm able to hear insects or the wind and to know from which direction their sound is comming.
I can see the deer paths.  I can since the elevation change. To see striations in stones...ripples in water.
Every step I take is my decision of right or left, forward or back.  It is my decision of weather I'm going the right way,
Do I want to find an easy rout? The most direct rout? Do I want to investigate a more adventurous path?

I do not hike to get from point A to point B.
I do not hike to put a check mark on a page in a book.
I hike because I enjoy it.

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